Your dream candidate is closer than you think

Did you know that hiring errors cost companies 4-5 times the salary of the failed candidate?
Did you know that the best candidates offer business performance x 5-8 times compared to that of an average worker?
Source: McKinsey Study
Talent management in the post-COVID era is being a strategic axis for all pharmaceutical laboratories.
In Pharma New Talent, we are professionals from the pharmaceutical industry hiring professionals from the pharmaceutical industry (PHP: professional hires professional):
The new times, demand new profiles. The medical detailing has been forever transformed and digital skills are no longer optional. Added to in-person business excellence is the ability to get digital engagement in the distance.
The data scientists, developers...are choosing more attractive industries such as TECH or FMCG to develop their careers. The Pharma industry runs the risk of being left behind in hiring the best technological talent.
Traditional marketing has become obsolete, versatile profiles capable of mastering ON and OFF campaigns. Executives who can plan a 360º product launching, with all the complexity implied.
More than ever, society demands social ethics from the pharmaceutical industry, which is why we only select candidates with clear values and purposes, capable of accompanying companies on this path towards excellence in CSR and in compliance with the ODS.
Help us understand your need and we promise to have solid candidates ready to interview in less than 5 days.
PRICING (has anyone been so clear with you before with their prices?):
15 % fee: annual gross salary (fix salary+bonus)
33% at the beginning of the process
33% in the presentation and shortlist approval
33% in the acceptance of the offer
They have already trusted us:
Our Net Promoted Score : 8.33 (they are very likely to recommend us to their friends or colleagues)
Average job order to shortlist: 5 days
Average job order to offer job sign: 28.88 days
Permanence rate of more than one year: 93% (not bad considering that the latest complete data for the industry - 2019 - speak of an employee turnover of 12%)
Quality over Quantity: big consultancy firms handle an average of 12 open roles per consultant, we neve go beyond 6.
Transparency is a fundamental value for us, which is why we share...
What our customers respond to anonymous satisfaction surveys:

Hay una lección muy importante que aprendimos de la encuesta de satisfacción...
Adivina quién fue el cliente que nos puso la review más baja.. Un "6", lo que era un "Bien" del cole.
Pues efectivamente, era el único cliente con el trabajamos un fee, significativamente más bajo que el resto. Por ser un cliente histórico.
Hicimos el ejercicio de mirar en detalle las métricas de performance, y objetivamente eran los clientes que "deberían" estar más satisfechos: los tiempos más cortos de delivery, un 100% de retención y un 100% de éxito en cubrir las posiciones, y sin embargo, éramos un "6".
La lección de negocio fue clara, nunca más tarifas especiales. Mismo fee para todos.
Lo cierto es que perdimos a ese cliente, o se puede pensar que lo despedimos...
Pero no pudimos tomar mejor decisión. Ahora trabajamos con un 100% de clientes que perciben nuestro valor añadido, nos valoran, los valoramos. Nos aportan y a quiénes aportamos.
¿Quieres ser nuestro siguiente partner?